
May 21, 2013

Why I Haven't Been Quilting, Part II ...

After choosing to go to Louisville for Luke's Seniors Day INSTEAD of for his graduation, I came home and promptly announced that there was no way in hell I could miss his graduation. And so back I went and I'm SO glad I did. I would have regretted not being there. Immensely.

So here Luke is all decked out in his graduation regalia. He's a little extra super-regaled due to some awards and honours my brilliant boy received. I'm beyond proud, of course!

Nora, too, graduated cum laude (with a nursing degree) and we're so proud of her, too.

Luke with a couple of his lacrosse mates, also graduating. Will and David.

I'm proud as can be.

I was able to zoom in and get a photo of him actually receiving his diplomas. Yes, plural. He got two. One in Actuarial Science (Math) and another in Economics.

After the ceremonies, we had some drinks at the local watering hole, Shenanigans, and then went to Jack Fry's for a fantastic dinner with Nora and her parents. Luke is wearing a tie tack (or bar, whatever it's called) that his Grandpa Don sent for Luke to wear for his graduation.

I was especially glad to be able to easily pick Luke out of the crowd ... a) he's tall, b) he had all the extra regalia because of his awards, and c) he was first in line for all the undergraduates. That's what usually happens when you're an Acton and you line up alphabetically.

I met some of Luke's favourite math professors and he is obviously a favourite student. I positively BEAMED with all the nice things they had to say about Luke ... both his character and his brain.

In the evening we drove out to a graduation party at a yacht club where it was great to hang out with so many of Luke's friends we've come to know and love and a lot of their parents, too. 

I'm so glad I was able to be there.

So ... for the record (and because I can't even remember all these things) ...

... officially, Luke graduated Cum Laude with 2 undergraduate degrees. One in Actuarial Science and the other in Economics. He won the Bellarmine University Faculty Merit Award in Mathematics. He is one of 7 who has been admitted to the Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honour Society and one of several who is a member of the Chi Alpha Sigma National College Athlete Honour Society. And he's listed in the Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Students.
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