
February 3, 2013

My Madrona Road Challenge Project

Through the new Saskatoon Modern Quilt Guild, of which I am a happy member, Michael Miller (the fabric company) provided free Madrona Road fabric (designed by Violet Craft) with the stipulation that we make something ... anything ... with it before the end of February. So … chop chop … better get at it.  Since I know so many people who are having babies, I decided that I should ONLY put my current sewing energy into baby quilts. This is a bit of what I'm working on. I got the quilt top finished this weekend and this week, I'll piece a back. And then … well … I'm not sure yet. I'm sceeerd about the actual quilting part! It's relatively new territory for me. I've straight-line quilted on some mug rugs and a couple of table runners and I've hand quilted but it takes so long. I haven't free-motion quilted anything yet and it's what's most scary to me! So I don't know what I'll do yet.

There are some real keeners in the quilting guild and at our meeting last Sunday, many had already completed their projects. Patti, who blogs at Retired to Quilt, had not only completed a cushion but she also made and was giving away this sweet little pincushion of which I was a very tickled recipient! It's so cute! It's a little cathedral window design, which Patti says is easy. Hmmm … easy for HER maybe. I'm so glad to have it. I'm a little lacking in the pin cushion department and am so focused on making quilts and things for others, I haven't yet started making anything for me.

Part of being a quilt guild member is making a name tag. Here's mine. It took me almost as long to make this as a whole quilt top! I haven't embroidered forever and had to watch some YouTube videos to figure out a few stitches. I'm obviously not very good at it yet. I had printed my name on the badge but then, as I started embroidering on the rather sheer cotton lawn, I decided it was better to join the letters instead. I realized later that I didn't finish my "r" like a scripted "r". Oops. Mostly I was envious of those with 3-letter names. My blanket stitch around the peace sign is awful but oh, well. It's all readable and identifies my skill level accurately.

At our last meeting one of our members showed everyone how to do English Paper Piecing and we all made some hexagons. I would really like to make more but I think I'd better finish my yoyo project first.

That little pumpkin pincushion was given to me shortly after I started quilting by another Pat who is an experienced quilter.

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  1. Heather!! Your challenge piece looks amazing…! I can't wait to see how it turns out.

    And I loved your name tag. :-)

    Remember how I was all "EPP's not really my thing…"? Yeah. Guess I'll have to change my story. I'm up to my eyeballs in hexes. I don't blame you for wanting to make more! :-)

  2. You've done a great job so far! keep it up.

  3. I love that yellow with the Madrona Road fabrics. Pincushion & name badge -- very cute, both! (I'm still name tag-less (hanging head in shame))

  4. Hi Heather, I am a bit delayed, but I found your new blog from the old one. That new project is looking wonderful, but it is tantalizing to see only parts of it, I will look forward to seeing the whole top soon, Michelle
