
February 23, 2013

Another Plus Quilt In The Works

I really enjoyed making Luke's plus quilt and I've wanted to try another one using a lot of my favourite jewel-toned fabrics. This one isn't as big as Luke's. It's a lap sized one at 56" x 72". I picked up some bright pink cuddly fabric for the backing and it will go off to the longarm quilter, Lynnette, this week. I won't tackle something this size on my own machine. Not yet. This one will be gifted to a special girl. Her very fast pink shoes were my inspiration.

When Berny was in town last weekend we got together for a short visit. We had Earl Grey latte's at Il Secondo just off Broadway. Aren't they pretty?

What a crazy amount of snow we've had this year. Kevin managed to get some of it off our roof last weekend.

We have a couple of house guests - Gus and Ellie. They stayed with us last year for a while, too. They helped me take pictures of my Madrona Road quilt today. They are SO helpful and very cuddly. Wherever I go in the house, they are right there with me. If I sew, they lay on the floor under the table. They don't let me go to the washroom without them. They lounge on the floor and wait for me. When we go to bed, guess who is right there with us. I DO love dogs!

Here's Gus without Ellie's tail in his face!

Ron and Patty gave me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers for my birthday a few weeks ago. They lasted longer than any flowers I've ever had! When some started to look a little past themselves, I put the ones that still looked good in this little head vase that Shelley gave me. It's been such a pleasure to look at this little bouquet every day.

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  1. I especially love all those pink pluses. I have some pieces cut to try that out but they need to be arranged before the sewing can begin so they are still waiting in the box for a few more.

  2. That vase is too cool! It looks like she's going to a British wedding… That's some fascinator/hat! :-)

  3. love the quilts, love the dogs, and that vase is fabulous! just like you!!

  4. Both quilts are marvelous in my opinion. Lynnette should enjoy quilting the pluses,. So, ya got a new project?

  5. I forgot all about our London Fog Latte's! We need to have another chin wag soon - I have lots of news! Maybe tomorrow :)
